Part of The Pool Plays 3.0: Three playwrights. Three plays. One remarkable experience.
Two Brown Porters
By Naren Weiss
Directed by Rajesh Bose
With Omar Maskati and Sathya Sridharan
This dark comedy by Naren Weiss is set in 19th century India during a period of great upheaval seen through the eyes of two friends watching their world transform. Reality is grim, much is absurd, yet nothing is as it seems.
Funny, surreal, and mesmerizing at times, Two Brown Porters explores history both real and imagined. As a precious diamond loaded with significance changes hands under the tightening yoke of imperialism, the fate of an individual and of a nation hangs in the balance. One choice can set momentous events into motion and two humble porters hold the key.
Please be advised this production has gun shot sound effects.
We’re creating a sustainable model of artist-led theater production that breaks down the current processes and puts playwrights at the helm – in support of one another and making way for diverse storytellers of tomorrow. Each cohort of The Pool produces three plays in rep; the playwrights are empowered to take matters into their own hands as they lead the production of their original work – from the page to the stage. This year's plays are presented in association with The New Group, who generously provided us with in-kind producing support and embraced and amplified our mission of bringing a playwright-led independently produced model into the mainstream consciousness.
Read more at: www.thepoolplays.org